Cruising is not all about sailing & sightseeing, there is also the occasional bit of boat upkeep. What is the saying?: “Cruising is doing boat maintenance in far away places.”
While the engineer ducked below to fix the bilge pump, I gave our fenders a much needed scrub. The old things had gone really sticky and even though the captain has always been against yachty fender socks, something had to be done to protect them from getting tacky again, and from getting the boat tacky as well. A drawer full of old T-shirts, run under the sewing machine..... Not yachty but very useful. And to make it even nicer, all of them now with matching and identical black ropes neatly spliced onto them.
Yes, it looks just as if they have an “Eos” embroidery, but it's ESC: Enkhuizer Sport Centrum.
Not much later they got a bit of a bashing in the gale in Cádiz and one was totally ripped. However, there is still a spare ESC T-shirt waiting to be put to use.