Eos has lost her ship's cat. After 19 years our wonderful, lovely, affectionate, funny, etc etc companion has died.
Not really a ship's cat she was; only in calm conditions she didn't mind sailing, but where ever we tied up she was the first to explore the surroundings and – if lucky – present us with a dead
mouse or – not what you might call lucky – a life seagull. Sometimes she prevented us from sailing off by sneaking off herself for a little walk. And sometimes got us real worried by not turning
up again for a whole day. There were times we shouted at her for being fussy with her food and occasionally she upset us by nastily biting the hands that fed her.
For the past couple of years we had to annoy her with trips to the vet and trying to feed her pills for her failing kidneys. She lost half her weight, stopped washing herself and wouldn't play
anymore. From time to time she perked up again, but then she stopped eating altogether and within few days all her energy was spent.
We are happy she hasn't really suffered and pleased to have found her a nice burial spot in one of the valleys along the Guadiana. The boat seems very empty without her, but she has left us lots
and lots of good memories.