The nearer departure date, the longer the to-do list.
Six months we've been here and even though the weather is getting quite nice, we know it's only April and the weather will still have someting in store for us. So we leasurely started to make a list of Final Winter Jobs.... 2 pages! And every job seems to originate another. Pulling up some floorboards to finally get that varnishing project over and done with, there we saw this puddle: a leak in one of the watertanks. And after rinsing the rust scraped from the anchorwinch, there we saw this trickle coming down the deckprism.
The captain inspected the boat from top to bottom, literally. First checking and painting the mast, varnishing the blocks and oiling the shrouds - having mountaineering experience comes in handy. And then into the water down to the bottom of the keel, checking what's left of the antifouling and scraping the barnacles off the propeller - that's when having a wetsuit comes in handy.
Meanwhile several boats did leave, various parked boats are getting inhabited again and there are many others tying up for a few days. So goodbye to some, but it's great to say hello again to some new arrivals we'd met before. Even the big cruise ships have started to call in again.
And of course we don't want to miss out on all the cultural things. We've just enjoyed a festival of modern dance of which we saw 10 performances, some in the theatre but most of them out on the street. Only one was not quite up to (our demanding) standard, but all the rest was really great to watch. Amazing how innovating dance art can be. No photographs to show here, and it was a good thing I never took a camera, it was just too fascinating to be distracted by taking pictures.
This week there are several choir performances as a run-up to Semana Santa, which itself starts already on the 15th with the first processions. But if I want to find time to keep this log up to date, I will have to skip some!